Lucas Borboleta

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samedi 9 mai 2020

JERSI is a new abstract game akin to chess but very different !

Watch this 3 minutes video to get some taste: JERSI 4 demo play

Quick facts about JERSI:

  • the cells of the field are hexagonal;
  • there is a kind of king you have to bring on the opponent row;
  • at your turn, you can stack a piece and move it with its pile, and vice versa, you can move a pile and unstack its top
  • the forces of the major pieces obey a cyclic and ternary order.

The rules can be consulted from the following URL: JERSI 4 the rules

JERSI can be played (human versus human) on Tabletopia (even not officially published) by opening a play room, for free and without a Tabletopia login, thank to the following widget :

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in a learn-and-play session on Tabletopia.

JERSI 4.0 is still a prototype, any kind of feedback is welcome.

lundi 27 janvier 2020

JERSI : an abstract game between 2 players

JERSI is an abstract game for 2 players.

Chess ambiance but very simple rules ; see PDF.

This 1 minute clip provides an overview and links to the rule : VIDEO.

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